
Free Mobile Clinics That Affiliated For “IRVD”

Free mobile clinics affiliated with “International wars and disasters victims protection association” are spread in the areas of “Al-Bab” and “Afrin” in northern Syria, with the aim of alleviating the suffering of the population and providing them with primary health care. The first mobile clinic in the “Al-Bab” area is one of the clinics that move between different villages and remote areas far from the main health centers. One of these areas is the “Barata” district, located in the “Al-Bab” area, and It is one of the areas recently targeted by the “IRVD” clinic. Dozens of patients benefited from this clinic through its various free services that provide consultations and medical examinations through the doctor present in the clinic, as well as the psychological support and community health teams that educate the community through individual and group awareness sessions for different age groups.

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